
Friday, October 28, 2011

Weekend @ KL ~First Time~ Day 2

Day 2 - Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011 :
Setel alarm jam 7am (jam 6am WIB), mata masih ngantuk, langsung mandi, prepare for Main Objective : Genting Highlands !!!
setelah kelar smua, jam 8am, ane berangkat via MRT dari Bukit Bintang ke Titiwangsa (RM2.1), turun, jalan dikit ke arah kiri, nanti ketemu Terminal kecil.. beli tiket ke Genting di loket disitu.. RM5,9/adult & RM3/child...

WARNING!! Bakal banyak calo taksi disitu, cuekin aja... Namanya Terminal dimana-mana sama, jaga barang bawaan anda.. yang pake tas selempang/ransel, mending dipindah kedepan atau kalian peluk..

Bus bakal respawn tiap 15-30 menit sekali.. Di tiket kalian, ada seat number nya... jangan asal duduk yaa... 
perjalanan bakal sangat jauh, skitar 1jam-an, dengan kondisi perjalanan mirip Puncak nya Jawa barat.. cuman yang ini lebih parah... why? Disini track nya cocok buat dijadiin syuting pelem Fast and Furious : Tokyo Drift atau Initial D nya Jay Chou... jalanannya termasuk sepi, dan berkelok2 tajem.. supir bis nya juga terkadang suka rada ngebut, bikin kita para penumpang nya ikut2an nge-rem... 

Setelah uda sampe, kalian bakal disuguhi pemandangan yang mantebh... Kabut, udara dingin, pemandangan pengunungan yang luar biasa... So? what should I do now?

kalo ga tau mau kemana, ikutin arus aja... atau tanya aja kalo mau ke Monte Carlo Casino kemana.. Casino? Yup, buat kalian yang punya mimpi pengen masuk ke kasino dan pengen tau isinya kayak apa, Here you go, guys.... 

ATTENTION!! Buat yang penasaran pengen masuk Kasino, buat yang cowo, dilarang pake sendal jepit, singlet kaos kutang, topi, dan celana pendek.. mesti kaos kerah/tees/kemeja + celana panjang jeans/bahan + sepatu apa aja..
yang cewe terserah, ga ada larangan kayaknya.. soalnya ane ngeliat cewe2 didalem, pakaian nyaaaa   Low cut + super xtra hotpants...  

Oh,ya dilarang foto2 juga.. ane ga mau ambil resiko, jadi ane ga foto2 juga... ane cuma liatin yang pada maen... sekali maen bisa masang RM500, RM600, RM1000.... gilaa.... 
uda gitu yang maen, jarang anak muda... yang maen mayoritas oma2 dan opa2 60an keatas...!!! Can u believe that??? jujur ane kaget banget, mereka bener2 expert gambling nya... oma2 dan opa2 umur sgituan di Indonesia, mayoritas cuma duduk dirumah, merawat taman, jagain cucu dirumah, pokoknya yang alim2... Di Genting, FORGET IT ALL !! Oma2 dan Opa2 pada jadi Gambler smua... gilaaaaaaaa.....  

di Genting, terdiri dari beberapa section yang tergabung menjadi satu Area yang bener2 luas... Ada Highlands area, First World Area, Resort World area, dan satu lagi ane lupa..

Muter2 di Theme Park nya, puasssss liatin cewe2 abg yang seger2... pakaian nya gilaaaa, modis abis.. cakep, putih, bening... aje gileeee....   
dari abg sampe tante2 30s-40s pada pake super hotpants smua sama baju yang ehem2... beegghhh...  
dari yang langsing semampai sampe yang imut2 sampe yang berlipet2 paha nya, PEDE ABIS pake super hotpants nya... It's true, guys... 

ok, focus, balik ke topik, ane lunch di Restoran Good Friend Express. ane makan Wantan Char siew Mee **** (lupa namanya, pokoknya itulah  ) murah, cuma RM13 uda include minum... minum nya kita dikasih gelas kosong, isi sndiri, ada orang juice, teh, kopi, lemon tea.. ane pilih lemon tea..
Daging babi nya empuk, uda gitu ada garingan babi nya... beegghhh.... maknyos.... 

lanjut jalan2 dan motret2, mampir ke toko dvd, beli satu dvd buat oleh2 ade... after that, ane mutusin buat ke Chin Swee temple, ane nyari2 info yang katanya ada transportasi gratis mnuju ke sana.. setelah tanya sana-sini, akhirnya ketemu juga antrian shuttle bus gratis mnuju Chin Swee Temple.. 

Bus respawn tiap 30menit sekali, 1 bus cuma muat 44 orang, didepan bus tertera tujuan nya, jangan sampe salah naek bus.. pilih yang Highlands - Chin Swee - Highlands. setelah sampe di Chin Swee temple, unsur Buddhist kental banget disini.. temple ini terdiri dari 13 lantai yang bisa diakses oleh lift.. thx God, kirain disuruh naek turun pake tangga biasa....  

bagi yang beragama Buddha, bisa ikut sembahyang di Vihara sini.. karena ane bukan, ya ane cukup memotret2 area nya aja... Tujuan utama nya adalah Lantai 13, lantai teratas Temple ini.. ketika naek, kalian ga mungkin melewatkan patung Buddha Raksasa. lalu ada Jalan setapak yang namanya The Enlightment Road, yang menggambarkan tahapan siksaan Neraka menurut agama Buddha. ada 10 level penyiksaan. kagak kebayang ni tempat seremnya kayak apa kalo malem hari..... siang aja serem abis...  

Setelah berpuas2 diri di Chin Swee Temple, ujan pula, entah yang terlalu deket sama awan atau memang cuaca nya dingin terus, gerimis - hujan ringan pun turun.... akhirnya ane pulang dengan bus shuttle tersebut... oh,ya shuttle nya ga nungguin kita, dia cuma drop doank, abis itu dia angkut lagi yang pulang, dst...

jam 3.40pm, ane beli tiket bis Genting - KL nya untuk pulang ke hotel.. harga nya sama... RM5.9.. Respawn tiap 1 jam sekali, dan ane kebagian jam 4.50.. 
nungguin deh satu jam.. bus dateng, langsung cabut, pulang ke KL...

================================================== =========

sampe di Titiwangsa, naek MRT menuju Bukit Bintang.. sepanjang jalan, terlintas pengen ke Chinatown sekalian, toh masih jam 6an... akhirnya mutusin untuk turun di Maharajalela.. Jalan kaki ke arah Petaling Street... sampe deh ke China Town... banyak lapak2 yang jual tas, baju, sepatu, aksesoris, sampe makanan.. Just be careful with your stuff... lanjut ke Pasar Seni / Central Market, deket dari Chinatown itu... disini agak sepi, ane juga cuma bentar muter2 nya, trus balik lagi all the way back to MRT Maharajalela then Bukit Bintang.... 

Jam 9an, Sampe di Jalan Alor, ane uda laper banget, langsung aja duduk mesen makanan di Cu Cha Restoran, ane pesen Hokkien Mee ***** (RM7) danChrysanthemum Tea ***** (RM3), langsung ane lahap smua.. uda laper banget.. masih laper, ane pesen Penang Char Siew Kueh Teow ***** (RM7).. lengkap sudah kebahagiaan hari ini....  

langsung masuk hotel, tiduuuurrrrrrr.... 
siap2 buat hari ke 3.

Weekend @ KL ~First Time~ Day 1

Hai hai...
akhirnya balik ke Indonesia Tercinta jugaaa...

Weekend yang luar biasa di Malaysia....

Day 1 - Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011 : 
Boarding dari SoeTa jam 2pm, naek AA, delay on boarding 30 menit, nunggu antrian pesawat yang landing dan boarding...
,sampe LCCT skitar jam 5pm waktu Malaysia.. langsung beli tiket bus ke Bukit Bintang.. gua pake StarShuttle.. fare nya RM 18.. gua beli nya didalem airport nya, kiosk2 gitu, kalo beli pas di Stesen Bas nya (sepertinya) kena charge tambahan sama calo2 / kenek nya.. cmiiw

StarShuttle Bas menempuh perjalanan 60km++ dari LCCT - KL, kurang lebih 1-2jam perjalanan.. nantinya supir akan ngasih tau tujuan kita, misalkan kalo gua, gua turun nya di Bukit Bintang, nanti supir nya bakal teriak2 "Bukit Bintang, Bukit Bintang..". Turun deh... langsung transit ke StarLimo (Taxi Private nya StarShuttle).. Mobil nya cuma muat 6 orang... 3 di belakang, 2 ditengah, 1 samping supir.. KAGAK BAYAR, Langsung dianterin direct ke Hotel ente...

gua sebelomnya uda booking di Sungei Wang Hotel di pinggir jalan utama Sungei Wang.. karena ada kesalahan teknis dari gua sndiri, akhirnya gua pindah hotel.. sempet bingung dan takut juga, soalnya uda malem dan rame banget disitu... takut kagak kebagian kamar... :(
gua jalan ke Alor Street, gua nginep di Apple Hotel..

3.5/5 laah.... hotelnya kesian, ditutupin sama warung2 tempat makan pinggiran Alor Street situ... tapi untung nya mereka uda masang Merk Segede-gede nya, jadi kliatan deh...
Hotelnya sih bersih, cuma sempit... gua pesen Twin Bedroom, berasa banget sempit nya.. kamar mandi nya juga sempit.. tapi dapet Hot Water, AC, TV, Nice Quality Bed, dan Complimentary Towel & Mineral Water.. RM128/night + deposit refundable RM100. Ga dapet breakfast. ga penting juga, toh didepan hotel adalah Jalan Alor , beberapa dari mereka juga buka pada pagi hari...

level makanan : 5 stars | *****
Kagak pake mandi/ganti baju, langsung cabut ke Jalan Alor, Surga nya Chinese food....
Restoran Dragon View : gua mesen Roasted Duck Rice **** (RM13) dan Orange Blended Smoothie ***** (RM5).. mantebh gan...

maap, sisa pertempurannya aja yaa, uda laper banget abisnya..

selese makan, cabut, jalan2 sepanjang sungei wang, mampir ke Sungei Wang plaza, BB Plaza, Isetan , Pavillion KL.. jeprat jepret...

WARNING!! : hati2 kalo didatengin sama sekumpulan anak muda / abg chinese yang menyuruh kalian menuliskan nama di list mereka... ujung2 nya kalian bakal dipaksa beli item useless mereka yang seharga RM30 dan RM60!! WTF Dengan harga sgitu gw uda bisa beli Kaos Giordano 3 pcs.. Mereka pake alesan untuk 'Sumbangan Kanker Payudara', setau gua namanya sumbangan kan seikhlasnya, ini malah dipaksa + dipatok harga... SH*T !! 
kabur aja mendingan kalo ketemu group kayak bginian.. ciri2nya : mereka sekumpulan anak muda, bawa2 clipboard+list diatas nya, bawa2 boneka teddybear sampah

well, gua kena RM30, dan cuma dapet Pulpen Biskuit doank...  Jauh2 deh pokoknya,...

Sebagai penutup Day 1, gua mampir ke Sungei Wang Plaza Lt.3, Concept Restaurant T-Bowl.. Restoran dengan style kamar mandi... di Indo juga ada sih sebenernya.. cuma penasaran aja,,. tempatnya enak, maid nya cewe2 chinese 18-22an
nyobain eskrim nya... gua nyobain Coco Vanilla Delight ***** (RM7.9), Eskrim coklat vanilla + kacang walnut/almond + Waffle dibawahnya + 2 Astor + CornChips + ChocoSauce... puas dah... gileee...

balik ke hotel, tidurrrr.... siap2 misi utama di Day 2.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas | DANCE & SCREAM

1 - Burn the Disco Floor with Your “2-step”!! [Lyric]

Get fucked up (and) scream out with me!

I'm living (the) same boring shit everyday
Do you really think this is how you want?

We're all here cuz we know what's fun and not
You don't know anything so, don't you dare to give up!
Here we go!

I got dumped the other day by my girl...
But today i'll teach you all (the) fun stuff!

Change this floor to a dancing hall, boys & girls
Dance and make some noise!
Forget about everything!

Get fucked up (and) scream out with me!

Wo-o-o! Wo-o-o!

Don't miss it!
(This) time is yours!
You guys ready? Scream your ass out!
Wo-o-o! Wo-o-o!

I'll burst your brain in pieces

Close your eyes
Shake your fuckin' head
Don't think of anything

The best moment tend to pass by quickly
that is how life is

Get fucked up (and) screan out with me!!

Wo-o-o! Wo-o-o!

Don't miss it!
(This) time is yours!
You guys ready? Scream your ass out!
Wo-o-o! Wo-o-o!

I'll burst your brain in pieces

2. Hey Girl!! Why Not Party Like a Bitch!? [Lyric]

A party night
Everyone is dancing
But you are lying on the wall alone

You know the answer
Dance with us tonight, tonight, tonight

We'll be with you and won't betray you
We'll sing this song when you are lonely
Don't forget what we're with you
Remember the answer

Every person has their own problem in their life
But they know what they should do
Isn't it time?


Life is not fun
There are many painful thingsm but that is how our life is
It's hard to let life go (the) way we want
Nothing will ever go the way you think

Do you wanna give up your life (and) end like a damn loser?
You'll regret
you think you are so worthless
We don't think so

We'll be with you and won't betray you
We'll sing this song when you are lonely
Don't forget what we're with you

You've cried and wished to be strong
The tears (had) fallen slowly
Please do not cry anymore
You are strong

It's time for you to move on
We know you are ready
Please do not cry anymore
We will stay by your side

Dance party is tonight
Sing with us & Dance with us
One more time x2
Sing with us & Dance tonight

Shake you ass
Party like a bitch x2

3. Stray in Chaos [Lyric]

We have been walking miles and miles along this road
We are (a) wayfarer
Our journey never ends

Travelling all four point wherever (the) wind blows
Do not hold any bag
Courage is all you need

There are peaks and valley of life
Keep walking like a man in (a) trance

Stand on the starting line
Lift your foot and stamp it on the Earth

Wake Up x2
Believe yourself
Listen (to) your instinct
Decide your way

Wake Up x2
Believe yourself
Listen (to) your instinct
Decide your way

Get x2 up on your feet
Breathe in and take a step

Sun x4 will shine all the way

Get x2 up on your feet
Breathe in and take a step
Go forward

Don't let it stop
Until you reach your goal
There are no choice for you to take but to go forward

Don't let it stop
Thingsyou've never met exists in the World
It's will surely make your journey worthy

We'll run until we die

Thunder rolled
Storm has struck
Rain poured down

There is no use moving back
You can't trace back your path
It's sad but we never meet without farewell

Time has passed a while since we had last met
It's sad but we never meet without farewell

There is no use moving back
You can't trace back your path
It's sad but we never meet without farewell

Time has passed a while since we had last met
It's sad but we never meet without farewell

Life is like a voyage
Won't end until we die

4. Love at First Sight [Lyric]

Have anyone ever fell in love at first sight with a song?
Heart, eyes, and ears will all feel like you got dropped by a thunder

I am sure you alll have fell in love with someone or thing
It's our turn to make you fall in love with us

Look at us don't turn your eyes
Start moving your head and hips
Sing along with us

We brought a killer tune for you to get this party started tonight

Ride on time!
Don't be late!
Show us what you carry in your soul!
Shake your body and sing out loud!
Make this night the best part night!

Everybody dance with us!
Listen and fall in love at first sight with our tune!
You can't take your eyes off
Wo-o-o-o! Wo-o-o-o-o!

All right let's start tripping to the world of symphony
Are you ready?
Just dance
Don't get left behind!

This dance song is made to party with you
You'll start humming this tune with our singing
Oh x5

Before you even realize you'll be addicted

Let's start dancing boys & girls!

Everybody dance with us!
Listen and fall in love at first sight with our tune!
You can't take your eyes off
Wo-o-o-o! Wo-o-o-o-o!

And dance with us!
Listen and fall in love at first sight with our tune!
You can't take your eyes off
Wo-o-o-o! Wo-o-o-o-o!

All right let's start tripping to the world of symphony
Are you ready?
Just dance
Don't get left behind!

5. Take Me Out [Lyric]

Why aren't you meeting me tonight?
I am tired waiting for you
I want to see you tonight...

Why don't you pick me up
It's boring here
I'm already sick of twisting my hair

You are a little, fickle, (and) pickle man making me falling in love
Come get me or (else) i'll wash my hands off you

So, take me out! To the dance hall!
Let me out! To the ball dance!
i want to be with you (and) dance 'til the sun rise up

So, take me out! To the dance hall!
Let me out! To the ball dance!
I want to dance with youunder the moon light

White ball dress (and) shiny glass high heel you would love to see
come hug me or (else) i'll wash my hands off you

Take me out! To the dance hall!
Let me out! To the ball dance!
i want to be with you (and) dance 'til the sun rise up

So, take me out! To the dance hall!
Let me out! To the ball dance!
I want to dance with you under the moon light

Will you take my hands (and) dance with me?
And, will you say that you love me?
I love you from my heart

Can you take me out?
Say that you're ready to go
Do not keep me waiting here (or) I'll hate you!

Tale, Wizard, Ball Dance, Mid-night, Glass High Heels

I have read that story in the past
The story of a poor girl

What a fool!
Oh, what a fool she is!
Leaving the price all alone
How stupid she is!
Couldn't she have just stayed with him?!
Oh, i wish he will come pick me up
I am just like (a) sad cinderella!
Please let me get out!
I want to see you tonight!

Take me out! To the dance hall!
Let me out! To the ball dance!
i want to be with you (and) dance 'til the sun rise up

Take me out! To the dance hall!
Let me out! To the ball dance!
I want to dance with you under the moon light

Will you take my hands (and) dance with me?
And, will you say that you love me?
I love you from my heart

Can you take me out?
Say that you're ready to go
Do not keep me waiting here (or) I'll hate you!

--credits to

6. My Dear Lady, Will You Dance With Me Tonight? [Lyric]

Can you dance?
Show me how you move
Let's dance now!
I want to know more

I saw you by the door sitting alone
loneliness had made you blue
Youur eyes are turned onto the ground
You sigh as you stare the crowd

Lonesome creates envy
Forlorn of hope
Found you standing by the doors
I smile

Show me how you act like
Tell me what's wrong
I can't stop thinking about you
Think what you like
Think what you need to smile

Tonight x2
Why not make this night
Special for us

Tonight x2
I'll make you smile so
Can i ask you out?

Can you dance?
Show me how you move

I'll teach you
How fun this place is

Let's dance now
I want to know more

Look at me
I'm (the) one for you

Lady dance, dance dance with you
I was waiting for this time, oh oh
Lady dance, dance dance with you
I hope this day will not end

Tonight x2
Why not make this night
Special for us

Tonight x2
I'll make you smile so
Can i ask you out?

My dear lady, will you dance with me?
I'll take your hand so come with me

7. Because You Are Here [Lyric]

Yeah! You are the one for me
Can you just stay with me?
I don't care if you like me
This song is dedicated to you
Can you hear me?

Watching the ground with no words to respond to what you've said

She pushed me off yelling at me and broke in tears
"i can't believe you no more..."
Sighing as you wipe your eyes

I woke up to apologize to you but you were not beside me sleeping
I ran out to chase after you without knowing where you have gone
leaving me

Having no clue i ran left to right
Sweating anxiously
Heart beating faster
When i found you walking i hugged you tight from the back

Yeah! You are the one for me
Can you just stay with me?
I don't care if you like me
This song is dedicated to you
Can you hear me?

Yeah! You are the one for me
Can you just stay with me?
All i need is only you
Let's be together
No one loves you more than i do
Believe me

Life without you is nothing but living hell

I know it's hard but trust me please
That might be a Sappy love song I am writing for you
But i want you to know my feeling

Yeah! You are the one for me
Can you just stay with me?
I don't care if you like me
This song is dedicated to you
Can you hear me?
You are the one for me
Can you just stay with me?
All i need is only you
Let's be together
No one loves you more than i do

Beacause of you my heart beats fast
Your tender smiles make my face go red
I am here because you are here
Take my hand I'll never let you go

I'll never let you go

8. Solitude X'mas [Lyric]

It's December (and) the snowy season has arrived
Town is shining bright with illumination

Every once a year this day comes
Families, Friends, and Couples all celebrate with feast and cakes

Smiles (and) laughter spread all over but I am sitting on a
freezing concrete tile
Waiting alone curled into my fur

Staring at (the) people passing by
I question why i am here

Warm light from the house window surround me, making my tales drop low
O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o

Snow starts falling from the sky
I hear people singing from far away
O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o

Lying down in front of entance by myself
Wondering when she is coming back with our feast

I'll wait for you
No matter how long
Please do not stand me up on Christmas
I want to be with you forever
Stay by my side
On this special night
I want you to pat my head gently
I want to be with you forever

I'll wait for you
No matter how long
Please do not stand me up on Christmas
I want to be with you forever
Stay by my side
On this special night
I want you to pat my head gently
I'm waiting

As I watch the street light
I look back at the past
All the days we spent
All the time we shared

Warm light from the house window surround me, making my tales drop low
O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o

Snow starts falling from the sky
I hear people singing from far away
O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o

Lying down in front of entance by myself
Wondering when she is coming back with our feast

Are you going to laugh when I tell you that I'm still sitting by
the gate?

Stars twinkled up high
It seemed like one of the had glittered at me

Somewhere in my heart I know that you are gone
If miracle exist, I wish she'd come back

9. Beyond the End [Lyric]

Waking up from the alarm, I lift my body from the bed
"What a shame everyday..." sighing as i brush my teeth

Walking calmly down the road, I turn my eyes to see the sky
Instantly a warm ray of light covered and drove me to sleep

When i woke up everything was gone
Tears ran down
"Please come back to me..."

Where will our soul rest in calm (and) peace?
Even (the) sky will rain for your pain
Though we don't know when we'll die, we have to live

Where is what we called heaven?
If it exists why do we fear of death?
Is "death" the end of life? Is it (our) imagination?

Tears cam running down (and) fell on the ground
In fear I screamed
"Please don't leave me here by myself! Somebody come help! I don't
want to die!"

"Sleep" and "Death" are booth brothers
To be awake means that we are all alive
"Life" is just too fragile for us to live
It's only you who could decide what to do
Live everyday to the fullest

Where will our soul rest in calm (and) peace?
Even (the) sky will rain for your pain
Though we don't know when we'll die, we have to live

Where is what we called heaven?
If it exists why do we fear of death?
Is "death" the end of life? Is it (our) imagination?

What's beyond our life?

10. Twilight [Lyric]

Who are you!?
Reflecting (on the) mirror, standing all alone
With his eyes closed, I don't know what to do
What's going on!? Am iI going mad!?
Stay away! Get away from me now!

We are all ignorant beings living in (a) world of sorrow
We don't know anything but we act like we know something
Can you tell me who i am?
Don't watch with those eyes!

Break yourself!

Why can't I be myself? Why do i fake my heart?
I just wanna be who i want to be
I'm just who i am
I'm not like anyone
How will the mirror reflect me?

Stars in the sky
Light me in the dark
Guide through my path

Day break
Let the sun shine
Start of another day
Light the world in hope

Moment between stars and dark
Our world lives in both justice and evil

Life, every now and then we ask who we are
Every day every night troubles don't end

That's how life is! x2
But we have no time to rest

Your life is yours you can be who you want to be
You're only you so do not let others choose what you want to be
Your pain will heal and get better someday
Twilight between stars and sun
We all start a brand new day